December 09, 2011

The Final Countdown

It's true, in one week from yesterday I will be on an SAS flight back to the good ole' USA. My feelings about this will be addressed in the next post but in the spirit of my rapidly approaching departure I've been thinking about two things:
1. What will I miss about Copenhagen?
2. What am I ready for in the USA?
And these are the things that I have come up with...

I will miss... Danish pastries.

But I'm ready for... Starbucks.

I will miss... All of the bikes.

But I'm ready for... My car.

I will miss... Traveling. 

But I'm ready for... English.

I will miss... My roommates and new friends.

But I'm ready for... My family.

And of course my sweet friends. I've missed you all a lot. Like a whole lot.

What will I not miss about Copenhagen? 

I will not miss... Getting elbowed while boarding the bus, the kroner (hellooooo dollar!), 3:30 PM darkness, crowded streets, and my European Nokia phone.

So for everyone in the States that I haven't seen in way too long, I can't wait to see you!!! I've missed you all more than you know and am so excited to catch up and hear about your lives :)