September 01, 2011


So here it is, my very first blog post! I'm writing from a cozy cafe called The Living Room in downtown Copenhagen at a table lit by a candle and am surrounded by conversations in Danish of which I can't understand one word. Which brings me to my first topic: IMMERSION. Here are just a few things I've learned about the Danish culture thus far:

1. The language sounds like a lot of mumbles mixed with a little pig latin. I am just learning how to pronounce the street I live on: Gasvaerksvej. Try pronouncing it. I dare you.
2. Danes do not cross the street when the pedestrian light is red, even if it is 3 AM and there is no one around. It's considered jaywalking, which is not okay!
3. The biking scene is crazy here. The city was made for bikes, so more people bike than drive (also because taxes on cars are 150%). However, bikers have no mercy. They will run you over if you get in their way
4. It is normal to leave babies by themselves in their strollers. They leave them outside restaurants and shops, in the rain, in the cold, just anywhere really. (See photo below)

I'm sure more will be added to that list as I'm here longer. Anyways, I'm living with seven other girls in an apartment, and all my roommates are AWESOME. Literally. I got so lucky and we are all getting along great. There are two girls from SMU, one from Northwestern, one from the University of Denver (represent), one from Richmond, and my friend from Vandy! Here is a picture of our living room:

It's pretty nice! So basically, I'm loving it here. I'm really getting acquainted with the city right now, and trying to learn things like what is milk and what is yogurt in the grocery store. Believe me, it's harder than it sounds. This is the container yogurt comes in...It's very tricky

Since I've been here I have started classes, been exploring, and meeting new people! We went to a castle this past weekend, which was absolutely beautiful. 

Anyways, I don't want to make this post too daunting, and will update it soon! But, long story short, I am here and safe and having an amazing time! Learning so much about a new culture, the people that live in it, and how their day to day lives are. Missing everyone in the United States, but super excited for what this semester has in store for me!

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