October 30, 2011

Welcome to Denmark, Mom and Dad!

This past weekend was super special because Sue and Walt visited! I had just seen them in Amsterdam but I was with all my roommates so I didn't get to spend that much quality time with them. But it was so good to get to be with them for a weekend and show them where I've been living. I'm not complaining about the nice dinners we had and the fact that I got to stay in a hotel, either :). They arrived on Friday and I took them to Nyhavn (the famous harbor with all the colorful buildings) and then we went on a canal tour. From the canal tour, we walked back towards my apartment and their hotel and Walt had a conference call while I showed Sue where I've been living. We did a lot of walking to say the least. When it came time for dinner we all agreed we needed to take a cab. No more walking for the day. That night we went to dinner with Halley (one of my roommates) and her mom at this really nice Italian restaurant. So fun to get to finally go out to dinner in Copenhagen. First nice dinner in the city: Check.

The next day we "slept in" until 8:30, had breakfast at the hotel, and set out for the day. We went to the Rosenborg Castle, which I shockingly hadn't been to and it's right by school. It was absolutely beautiful outside!

After the castle, we walked to the Round Tower which has beautiful views of the city. From there, we walked to have tea at A.C. Perch's Tearoom. They make the yummiest tea for the royal family and it was such a fun thing to do after walking so much!

That night we had dinner with a couple friends and went to bed early after such a packed weekend. It was SO nice to see my parents but we definitely missed Matthew. Shout out to my little brother who has been the only family member in the States the past month. Glad he made it without any emergencies :) Well, I'm off to pack for my two week travel break that I leave for tomorrow. On the itinerary: Paris, Barcelona, Italy, and Budapest! Blog post to come when I get back!

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