September 29, 2011


Once again my apologies for not blogging recently, but once again I've been really busy! And I'm sure you've guessed from the title of this post (and maybe even from my millions of Facebook pictures) that yes, I went to Oktoberfest this past weekend. And yes, it was insane. On Friday morning Halley (one of my roommates) and I woke up at the crack of dawn to head to the Copenhagen airport. We flew from CPH to Zurich, Switzerland and had a twenty minute layover. Sidenote: sorry Mom and Dad, I'm sure that layover time is making you cringe right about now. Anyways, we hopped on another plane and took a quick 35 minute plane flight to Munich, Germany. We navigated the public transportation situation pretty well, besides the fact that we took a pretty roundabout way to our hotel. After a little language barrier issue with the receptionist at the hotel involving the fact that eight people were going to sleep in a room for two, we dropped our bags off and headed to Oktoberfest. And just like any study abroad college student should, we immediately started enjoying the beers and HUGE pretzels. That night we also went on some rides like the swings which were pretty awesome. Wasn't expecting Oktoberfest to also have an amusement park? Pleasant surprise. 

The next day we woke up at 4:45 am so that we could reserve a table in one of the "tents". These aren't actually tents, they're buildings with tons of tables. They let us in around 8:30 am and we ordered beers promptly at 9:00. Possibly the earliest I've ever drank in my life. So early but yet so worth it. About an hour into it things started getting pretty rowdy, apparently it was the weekend when all the Italians go to Oktoberfest and they were singing some sort of anthem alllllll day. Needless to say, we had a ton of fun.

Our trip was super short, we had to get up at 3:30 am to start our journey back to Copenhagen. Despite being in Munich for less than 48 hours, our whirlwind of a three days was totally worth it. Way too many beers, pretzels, and bratwursts later, I have fully recovered and have gone to the gym every day since. This week I've just been going to class and leave for SCOTLAND on Sunday!!! So excited. I'll be sure to update once I'm back :)

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