September 20, 2011

A small world leads to a baking adventure

Along with the many cultural things I've learned while abroad, there is also another very important thing I've learned: the world is small. Very small. Long story short, it took me traveling all the way to Copenhagen, Denmark to meet my new sweet friend Parker. We live just minutes away from each other in Denver and have never met. What is even crazier is that my Dad knows her Dad through work. We met each other only days into our time here, while at the same time my dad and her dad were emailing about how both their daughters are in Copenhagen, studying abroad, and should meet. So crazy! Anyway, Parker has become one of my closest friends here. We share a mutual love for #twitterhashtags and Colorado, which obviously made us fast friends. (Does it sound like we're dating now? Sorry 'bout it.)

So Parker and I have decided to set a goal: bake/cook something yummy and new every week and document them. It's something to force me to blog often and a great excuse to eat and hang out. This past week we made one of my personal faves--oreos baked inside chocolate chip cookies. Pure bliss. If you haven't made these, try them. All you do is make chocolate chip cookie dough, wrap an oreo in the dough, and bake them like you would normally bake cookies. So easy and so yummy! Shockingly my apartment's small oven baked the cookies and pulled through when it needed to. So proud.

Using my new Picnik talent. Loving it.

Hope these photos have made you hungry :) Tune in next week for our next creation!

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